
5 expresiones para hablar de trabajo en inglés | Business English

May 1, 2018
7 Min
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¿Conoces las expresiones más comunes para hablar de trabajo en inglés? 💼 A partir de hoy tu próxima videollamada de trabajo en inglés, será un walk in the park. En esta clase de business English vamos a aprender inglés para negocios a través de una conversación entre dos compañeros de trabajo.

Are you ready to speak like a boss? Let’s begin!


Expresiones para el trabajo en inglés

To have a lot on one’s plate

👉 Significado: tener muchas cosas entre manos, estar muy liado …
👉 Otras opciones:

  • I have a lot going on.
  • I’m very busy.
  • I’m completely snowed under.

👉 Ejemplo:
“I’m going to need a hand sorting out invoices and reviewing the tax information this week.”
“I’m really sorry but I have a lot on my plate at the moment. I’m organising a workshop and helping HR with the recruiting as well. I’m sure Richard can help you out.”

To be on the same page

👉 Significado: estar de acuerdo o conforme con alguien, tener la misma idea o concepto. También se utiliza para cuando no se está seguro de si se ha entendido algo o para referirse a similares formas de pensar.
👉 Ejemplos:
“I’m going to schedule a meeting to make sure all our team members are on the same page.”
“So, are we on the same page or not?”
“I don’t think Jerry and Lisa are on the same page regarding politics.”

To go around / round in circles

👉 Significado: dar vueltas sobre lo mismo y no avanzar.
👉 Ejemplo: “Sorry, but I have to go to another meeting. Can you make a decision and stop going round in circles?”

To see the big picture

👉 Significado: ver la visión global o de conjunto. Ver la perspectiva general.
👉 Ejemplo: “Don’t worry about the small details now, we need to look at the big picture if we want this business to succeed.”

Back to square one

👉 Significado: hacer o empezar algo desde cero.
👉 Otra expresión similar: to start from scratch.
👉 Ejemplo: “The project manager has left the company, so I’m afraid we have to go back to square one.”
No te olvides de volver la semana que viene a ver la segunda parte del vídeo. Mientras acabamos el siguiente vídeo, aunque esta semana tengas ‘a lot on your plate’, puedes seguir aprendiendo con nuestros podcast. ✌️

Transcripción del diálogo

Good morning,
Morning Jonathan, how are you?
I’m fine thank you, although today, we have a very important day. We’ve got lots of things to do, as you know.
I know.
So I noticed you were a bit late.
Well yeah, I went to a karaoke party last night.
Yeah, it was my friend’s birthday. I wish I hadn’t gone, cause I’ve got a lot on my plate at the moment and I’m really stressed, you know? I’m trying to finish the dissertation for my master’s, my fridge has broken down, I need to call the plumber and on top of that, you won’t believe it, but my cat tried to commit suicide.
Really? Smuggles?
Awful, it’s been an awful week.
But he’s always been such a happy cat.
Well he’s not anymore, I don’t know what’s happened.
One sec.
Samantha, I’m in a meeting at the moment with Jonathan, so don’t put any calls through. Thank you.
Ok, well, about the presentation on Monday, it’s very very important that we get this presentation right and I had a look at your email and I’m sorry to say, I don’t think we’re on the same page.
Oh, are we not?
Ok, sorry I didn’t see your email. Let me check.
It’s mainly about the colour.
I was trying to discuss this with the team yesterday in order to get ahead, but they just didn’t seem to be able to make a decision. We were just going round in circles. Shall we go for pink, shall we go for blue, what about yellow?
Pink is last’s year’s.
Don’t you like pink?
No. Pink is last’s year’s.
I think it’s a very happy colour.
I know but this year we need something fresh, we need something new and I have a think about it and I think we should go for green.
Are you serious Jonathan? I don’t think so.
Not a dark green, but a very light green, not mint but a kind of lime green.
Just trust me on this, green’s always been my favourite colour and I think they’re gonna like it.
Ok, I need to make some notes and change the colour of the presentation, we need to change the set, ok just one sec.
Change it to green, I want it all green, all of it, ok?
Ok. Richard, listen, we’re going for green.
The decision’s made. I don’t want any discussions, just inform the team and get as much as you can green, just get me some palm trees, get me some turtles, get me a crocodile, get me snakes. I trust you man, I know you can do a good job, ok? Ok, thank you.
Now let’s not get to tied up with the small details, because we need to look at the big picture, ok? And basically if they don’t sign the contract on Monday, we’re going to be in big trouble.
I know, yes, I know how important this is for us.
We may even have to let some people go. Let people go? You mean fire people?
Yes. Fire them, give the sack, let people go, make some redundancies and we may have to start with your team. Yes, Richard in particular, he’s probably gonna be the first one.
If we don’t get that deal after all this time, money and effort that we’ve invest in this project, we’ll be back to square one and we don’t want this, do we?
Of course not.
So, I don’t wanna put any pressure on you, but if you want to practice your presentation after lunch.
No, no, no, let’s get started now, cause actually I have your email here, I have the powerpoint, let me just … one second, where’s the folder here? Oh yes, look.
Well actually, let’s do it after.
Oh yeah, there it is, let’s have a look.
Well, let’s do it after lunch.
The sooner we get started, the sooner we’ll finish and I just wanna make sure I’ve got my presentation polished.
I’m quite hungry now.
That’s ok, look I have some nuts, there you go, they’re from California.
Alright, let’s have a look …

¿Quieres seguir impresionando a los nativos con tu inglés? Tenemos los que tu English necesita. Si usas el inglés en tu trabajo, te va a encantar nuestra masterclass con 60 frases para el trabajo en inglés (nunca vistas en libros de texto). Esto es real English, my dear!

Y si eres de estos English students a los que les entran sudores fríos cada vez que tienen que escribir un email de trabajo en inglés, entonces no te puedes perder nuestros tips para escribir emails de trabajo en inglés like a pro. 💌🔥

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A man and a woman are holding a puzzle piece.