
100 collocations en inglés que debes conocer

Apr 12, 2020
17 Min
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You know what? Si aspiras a hablar inglés como un nativo, te va a encantar esta clase con 100 collocations en inglés que debes conocer sí o sí.

Ahora mismo andarás más perdido que un calamar en una biblioteca, pero ya te adelanto que, aunque esto de las collocations te suene a chino, es casi casi tan necesario como respirar. 🦑

¿No me crees? Keep reading!

Mira este ejemplo:

– Mañana tengo que sentar un examen de speaking.

– ¡Ay madre, pero si te han puesto un ojo negro!

– Contaré una mentira blanca y diré que me he dado un golpe con la puerta.

¿Te ha sonado rarísimo, pero le has conseguido entender? ¡Esa es la esencia de las colocaciones! Las collocations son grupos de palabras que van juntas en inglés, porque se han asentado a lo largo del tiempo y a los oídos de los nativos, suenan más natural que cualquier otra.

Hay muchísimas en inglés que debes conocer, en este vídeo te enseñamos las más comunes. Si quieres hablar de manera más natural y evitar a toda costa que los nativos te miren como si fueras un extraterrestre, haz clic en play.

Let the class begin!


Adjetivo + sustantivo


Read these examples out loud…

  1. He has a black eye because he told too many white lies.
  2. It’s a bank holiday tomorrow but heavy rain is predicted.
  3. That pub is full of dirty old men who play board games.

Colocaciones con verbos


Now read these examples out loud…

  • I’m setting my alarm for 6.00am because I have to sit an important exam tomorrow.
  • When you run your own business you have to make all the important decisions yourself.
  • Since you didn’t take the hint I’ll just say it; it’s your turn to set the table!

  • Las colocaciones más comunes con verbos

    Collocations con TAKE



  • Take a seat because this might take a while.
  • You’re not taking care of yourself! You need to take a rest.
  • Did you take a picture of me while I was taking a nap?
  • Collocations con DO



    1. It’s always a pleasure to do business with you.
    2. The new employee will be required to set up meeting rooms as well as doing some paperwork.
    3. Oh my goodness, you look dreadful. Put some make up on and do your hair, please. The guests will be arriving any time.

    Collocations con MAKE



    1. Please darling, don’t make a scene, we’ll talk about it when we get home.
    2. Your dog’s made a mess in my bedroom, my pants and socks are all over the floor!
    3. Good morning! I’d like to make an appointment with Dr Taylor, please.

    Collocations con HAVE



    1. He’s such a coward! He doesn’t have the guts to tell his wife that he hates those pink cushions.
    2. Goodness gracious! You look like a lioness! It’s high time you have a haircut.
    3. Shall we have a bite and come back to it? I’m not able to think straight with an empty stomach.

    Collocations con GET



    1. She got fired for yelling at a customer.
    2. Please sweetheart, don’t get upset. I’ll buy you another icecream, okay?
    3. I got out of breath running up the hill from the library.

    Collocations con GIVE



    1. Might I trouble you to give me a lift to the station?
    2. Quite frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn about your friend’s affairs.
    3. I’ve given notice to my landlord that I intend to leave the flat in 2 months.

    Collocations con GO



    1. If everything goes smoothly, we’ll be moving into our brand new flat next month.
    2. Are you really planning wear that for your aerobics class? Leg-warmers went out of fashion ages ago!
    3. She hasn’t stopped crying since her cat went missing.
    Test con 10 colocaciones en inglés

    Si te has quedado con ganas de aprender más colocaciones, mira este post de English Club, en el que encontrarás 1000 colocaciones en inglés. Oh my lord! 😅
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