12 expresiones en inglés que querrás usar todos los días
Aprender expresiones en inglés me hace casi tan feliz como beber té de Yorkshire, comer galletas de chocolate o parar la alarma 5 minutitos más. ⏰
Ya sabes de sobra que los modismos (idioms, sayings) son una parte fundamental del idioma y que se utilizan tanto en inglés hablado como escrito. Los escucharás en todo tipo de contexto, a cualquier hora y a todo tipo de persona, desde la vecina del quinto hasta el principe Harry.🤴🏻
Es imprescindible que les hagas un hueco en tu vida si quieres poder entender a los nativos en su hábitat natural. 🐆En Amigos Ingleses te recomendamos aprender estas expresiones dentro de un contexto y ponerlas en práctica siempre que tengas la oportunidad.
En este vídeo, los profes de Cambly nos van a ayudar a entender el significado de 12 expresiones en inglés que son, like, super gorgeous y querrás usar todos los días. ¿Estás listo para tu masterclass de expresiones?
Here we go!
¿Sabes cuál es la diferencia entre must y have to?
1. To have a bone to pick with someone
Significa: si tienes un hueso que elegir con alguien, quiere decir que quieres regañar a alguien por algo que ha hecho. ¿Te acuerdas del ‘phrasal verb’ que significa regañar? To tell … someone …… off! 👉 Ejemplo: The dog was told off for eating the kid’s sandwich. 🥪
It means: you want to talk to someone about something annoying they have done.
“Hey before you go, I’ve got a bone to pick with you! Why did you tell the teacher I hadn’t done my homework?”
2. To spend a penny
Significa: ir al baño.
It means: to go to the toilet, to go to the loo, to go for a wee.
“He went to spend a penny and we never saw him again”. “Do you know where the toilet is? I need to spend a penny”.
3. Not spring chicken anymore!
Significa: dejar de ser joven.
It means: to be no longer young.
“Mum, are you sure you want to join those boxing classes? You’re no spring chicken anymore!“ “I used to be able to drink wine without feeling dizzy next day, but obviously I’m not a spring chicken anymore”.
4. To go pear-shaped
Significa: estropearse, fastidiarse, arruinarse, irse al garete.
It means: if a plan goes pear-shaped, it means it fails or it’s unsuccessful.
“It all went pear-shaped after the first year of marriage”. “Their business has gone pear-shaped ever since they opened a supermarket next door”.
5. To break a leg
Significa: es una forma de desear buena suerte, especialmente antes de algún evento importante como un examen, una presentación, una actuación, etc.
It means: used for wishing someone good luck, especially before a performance.
“So tomorrow’s your big day. Break a leg!“.
6. Like water off a duck’s back
Significa: que no te afectan las críticas. Todo lo que digan de ti, te resbala, como el agua sobre la espalda de un pato. 🦆💦
It means: criticisms of or warnings to a particular person that have no effect on that person.
“Their criticism doesn’t bother me at all! It’s like water off a ducks back!“
7. You can’t make an omelette without breaking some eggs.
Significa: quien algo quiere, algo le cuesta. Si quieres conseguir algo importante, tendrás que lidiar con algunos efectos colaterales.
It means: it is hard to achieve something important without causing unpleasant effects.
“I don’t want to cut people’s salaries but if we don’t we’ll be in trouble. You can’t make an omelette without breaking some eggs.”.
8. There’s no such thing as a free lunch.
Significa: si te ofrecen algo gratis, seguramente será a cambio de algo.
It means: said to emphasize that you cannot get something for nothing.
“This company are offering free internet! Really? I’m a bit suspicious. There’s no such thing as a free lunch!“.
9. To hit the nail on the head
Significa: acertar, adivinar, dar en el clavo.
It means: to describe exactly what is causing a situation or problem.
“She just hit the nail on the head when she said our restaurant would have better reviews if the staff we more motivated.” “Exactly! You hit the nail on the head there!”
10. To have bigger fish to fry.
Significa: tener cosas más importantes que hacer.
It means: to have more important things to do.
“Sorry, I’m not going to massage your feet right now, I’ve got bigger fish to fry”.
11. To get the wrong end of the stick.
Significa: malentender una situación, confundirse.
It means: to not understand a situation correctly.
“My wife saw me having lunch with my secretary and got the wrong end of the stick“.
12. To put your foot in it.
Significa: meter la pata.
It means: put your foot in your mouth to say something by accident that embarrasses or upsets someone.
“I totally put my foot in it when I asked her about her new job. I had no idea she had been fired”.
No te vayas a la cama esta noche sin echar un vistazo a nuestra top 100 frases cortas más usadas por los nativos. Dale naturalidad a tu speaking con estas frases en inglés, que no encontrarás en tu libro de texto. Here you go, my dear: 100 frases cortas en inglés.
Keep doing wonders with your English and eee you in the next lesson! 👋
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